Seeing Through New Specs

There’s a famous quote by Marcel Proust that (ostensibly) says:

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

Remembrance of Things Past has never been on my reading bucket list, so I don’t expect to ever learn whether the most accurate translation of this quote is the popular one or the alternate choice postulated by Craig Thompson, as linked above.(1)

It doesn’t really matter, I suppose. Especially since today’s linkage to that quote is very tenuous indeed: I’m pondering the status of my adjustment to those bifocals I mentioned a few months ago. And thinking about seeing through new eyeglasses reminded me of that quote about seeing through new eyes. That prompted me to look up the Proust quote, whereupon I discovered this slight controversy about its correct wording….which I couldn’t resist from sharing here, in my own pedantic way.

But yeah: I’m really just posting tonight about having new eyeglasses. Nothing more.

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